Without any doubt
Macarons are here to stay! Because they are super yummy and eye candy :)
Last month my sister went to Paris... and guess what I asked her to bring me :)

and of course I had to have a photoshoot with them!! this time with a digital SLR! my humble Canon Ixus has been good to me.. but an SLR is another league!

yummy flavors! of Rose, Jasmin mango, Blackcurrant Violet, Caramel with salted butter and Liquorice,

a close up of this yummy treats,

I also gave another task to my sister :) to get me some pictures from the tea room of Ladurée Bonaparte shop. Thanks a lot Sis :)))

it has a impressive room! I need to visit it next time I'm in Paris :)))

who can resist to the Macarons of Laduree? they should open a store here in Belgium!!!