Ready to eat in 25min! you can bet on it :) There is nothing more simple then doing a Quiche or a Tartelette!
Here are my favorite recipes!
*Courgette Quiche:
1 shortcrust pastry
2 eggs2 natural yogurts1 courgette2 tomatoes250g Mozzarellaolive oil, salt, pepper1.Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C ( or follow the temperature from the shortcrust pastry instructions)2.Cut the courgette and fry it until is gold, put apart.
Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella in little pieces.3. In a medium bowl combine the eggs and yogurt. Also add some basil leaves. Season it with salt and pepper.4. Arrange the pastry case, combine the mozzarella, tomatoes and courgette. Cover it with the combined eggs and yogurt mix.
5.Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until golden brown on top. Let it stand 5 minutes before cutting. If you don't eat eggs you can change the receipt to replace the eggs and yogurt with
250g of Tofu and a 1/3 cup of Milk. In a blender combine the tofu and milk until smooth, adding more milk if necessary. Blend in salt and pepper. Use this mix instead to top the quiche.

*Quick Salmon and goat's cheese tart
"375g pack ready-rolled puff pastry sheet
4 large tomatoes, thinly sliced
100g French goat's cheese
300g sliced smoked salmon
handful of chopped chives
1.Pre-heat the oven to 200C
2.Line a roasting tray with baking paper, Unroll the pastry on the the tray and cut to your preferred shape.
3.Scatter on the slices of tomato, then crumble the cheese over and finally arrange the salmon on top.
4.Pop in the oven, on the top shelf, for approximately 20-25 or until the pastry is golden.
5. Just serve, sprinkle with chopped chives."
This receipt is from the
Fay's Family Food
Yummy!!! this is what i call healthy fast food :)