The first pile of binders was the first year and after the second!

A lot of interesting subjects.... and some pretty heavy :)

The graduation day finally arrived!!! We graduated in Ghent although we studied in Leuven,

Yehhhhhh here we are with our fancy American style graduation suits!

After was time to party!!

It was two wonderful years! we met a lot of amazing people :) learned some extremely interesting topics... I will definitely miss it!

Will we hang our studying shoes?... (as some people apparently do in Ghent) we never know!

Parabéns Joana!
Que o futuro vos sorria :)
Obrigada Márcia :))
:) não há nada como uma mente iluminada que maravilha! toda a sorte e alegria do mundo!
Obrigada Hella!!! :))
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