In Belgium of course!! and is the Westvleteren 12 produced by Trappist monks from the Saint Sixtus Abbey! which is located in the little town of Westvleteren ! Which is damn hard to get! as you can only buy it from the Monks! once or twice a year...
I can tell you first hand! it is a pretty nice beer.. but watch out since it has 12 degrees of alcohol! Before coming to Belgium I really didn't like beer at all... but here in the country of beer... you always end up finding one that is pretty nice :)
Westvleteren is quite a drive from Brussels but well worth!
is in the middle of nowhere :) but if its sunny is quite nice !
almost there!!!!
here it is! the number one beer!!!

1 comment:
eu como não bebo cerveja...fiquei a babar pela TOSTA! uauuuu <3 =D*
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