If you visit Belgium, Bruges is definitely a must see! Is a charming town surrounded with little canals and an impressive grand place!

the big tower very featured in the movie In Bruges (an interesting movie btw!),

and if you are not in the mood for chocolate.. which is hard to imagine.. :P you have the second best thing!
After the carbs fiesta nothing better then relaxing in a boat trip!

ahhhh Sunn!! I've missed you!

Was Sunnny... but still quite COooooOOoooL :P

beautiful pictures and beautiful city ... ...! many kisses from italy : marilena + andrea
ja me imagino a trincar as orelhas daqueles coelhos de chocolate!!é a minha perdição chocolate...e logo depois...bolachas...e logo depois............batatas fritas!!! ou seja eu em burges tornaria-me barril. parece lindo e tu mega cute come esse pompom na cabeça :) *s
Grazie marilena :)
Obrigada Hella!
:) 'e engracado que os Belgas mesmo com uma alimentacao composta de: beer, choco e muita batata frita nem sao muito gordinhos! deve ser o frio ehhehehe :)
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