In New York city you can basically find any type of food your might be looking for... but we just went for the classics!
First challenge: In search of the perfect slice! We started at the famous
John's Pizzeria at Bleecker street the pizza was amazing! Huge slices with a hole lot of taste!

The second place we went was
Grimaldi's Pizzeria in Brooklyn.. we couldn't believe the amount of people that were queuing there....

30mins later.... here is the yummy pizza!

they have an interesting wall dedicated to Frank Sinatra,

I couldn't make my mind on which was the best pizza :P
Second Challenge: find the best Pastrami Sandwich! It was easy! we just went to the famous restaurant from the movie "When Harry Met Sally"!
Katz's Delicatessen 
They had the biggest wall of fame I've ever seen!

here it is the famous Pastrami Sandwich! simply huge! but tasty :)

Third Challenge: The best burger in town. It was with out any doubt the
Shake Shack in Madison Square garden!.. yep.. we had to queue again... for 35min I have to admit... but it was an awesome burger!

the picture is not very appealing ehhehe ups :P but they were super yummyyyyyy!!!!!..
so good that we ended up going there a second time.. Guilty :)

And then there are the nice surprises!! Like this little restaurant we found in the financial district. We were trying to cross the Brooklyn bridge that day to go the the Grimaldi's Pizzeria but we were so tiered that we gave up and ended up in that restaurant.. in which we had some super tasty sandwiches!!

Tracking back our steps in google maps I was able to find that the name of the restaurant, which is
Meade's. We had a tuna sandwich with spicy sauce,

and a vegi portbelo mushroom sandwich!

When traveling one thing I love is to go to the local food markets, In new york we visited the Chelsea Market and I simply loved it!! Fresh and appealing food and a super good fish store.. yep.. fish.. which is not the most appealing thing to look at there it was really nicely displayed.

Lobster Place, where we got some really nice sushi,

Our yummy lunch for that day!

By the time we thought about dessert we were so full... that I just took this nice pic as a memory souvenir, Cupcakessssssssssssssssss madness :)